What are the types of domestic violence offenses in California?

Domestic violence refers to a wide range of behaviors. It can be difficult to determine whether certain behaviors or threatening words are sufficient to establish enough evidence for a restraining order to be issued. Sometimes, although rude and obnoxious behavior may cause anguish and fear, the behavior may not be sufficient for a court to [...]

fotex2023-10-25T22:38:48-07:00October 25th, 2023||

What are the main types of restraining orders?

Protective orders are designed to protect victims of domestic violence from further harm. Protective orders can be issued on an emergency, temporary or permanent basis.  Emergency protective orders can be issued in cases of imminent domestic violence, child endangerment, child abduction, stalking or elder or dependent adult abuse. The process of obtaining emergency protective orders is [...]

fotex2023-10-25T22:38:00-07:00October 25th, 2023||

How long does a father have to establish paternity?

A paternity action can be brought at any time. When a child’s parentage is uncertain, the court can determine who the legal parents of the child are. Courts are not permitted to order permanent child support from a party who contests parentage until the dispute regarding parentage is resolved. However, the court does have the [...]

fotex2023-10-25T22:21:08-07:00October 25th, 2023||

How can you prove you’re the parent of a child?

There are several ways to establish paternity in California. The court may accept a stipulation of parentage from the parties. Parentage can also be established through a voluntary declaration of paternity, which is commonly signed at the hospital when the child is born. There are other factors that are considered when a court is determining [...]

fotex2023-10-25T22:20:32-07:00October 25th, 2023||

How can you dispute paternity?

There are many issues that fall under the umbrella of a paternity action. Some reasons a paternity action may be filed are to establish parentage, to terminate parental rights, or to change prior court orders related to parentage. The courts have continuing authority to modify or set aside orders regarding presumed parentage status. If you [...]

fotex2023-10-25T22:19:45-07:00October 25th, 2023||

What is DNA testing for establishing paternity?

Genetic testing is a scientific method used to determine the identity of an individual. Genetic testing can sometimes help determine the legal parent of a child. However, genetic testing is not always a conclusive way to determine who the legal parents of a child are. Especially in cases involving adoption, same-sex couples, invitro fertilization, and [...]

fotex2023-10-25T22:18:25-07:00October 25th, 2023||

Who are reliable paternity lawyers in San Diego & beyond?

If you are dealing with paternity issues, JWB Family Law can help provide the legal assistance you need to resolve your matter in an efficient and effective way for everyone involved. Our team of experienced and compassionate paternity attorneys will work tirelessly to ensure you receive the best possible outcome. We understand the stress and confusion that [...]

fotex2023-11-13T19:43:03-08:00October 25th, 2023||

Can you get a divorce without splitting assets?

In California, property division must follow the laws stated in the California Family Code. These laws detail how all property and debt acquired during the marriage typically must be divided equally between the spouses at dissolution. However, there are a few statutory exceptions to this rule. For example, by written agreement or oral stipulation “in [...]

fotex2023-10-25T22:01:44-07:00October 25th, 2023||

How is property divided in a divorce in California?

In a California dissolution, property is first characterized as community property or separate property. Community property includes the assets and liabilities of both parties acquired during marriage and before separation. Generally, property acquired before marriage, during marriage by gift or inheritance, or after separation, is considered separate property of the spouse who acquired the property. [...]

fotex2023-10-25T22:01:03-07:00October 25th, 2023||
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