Practice Areas
JWB Family Law, led by Jane Wesley Brooks, CFLS, offers specialized expertise in family law, including separation and divorce, child custody and visitation, child support, spousal support (alimony), paternity, domestic violence restraining orders, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, and asset and property division.
We offer a 15% discount to military personnel and their spouses, and hospital healthcare workers.
Practice Areas

JWB Family Law supports you every step of the way by providing expertise related to divorce proceedings, separation agreements, property settlements, and prenuptial and postnuptial agreements. Deciding to end your marriage is never easy and most clients feel vulnerable, anxious, and lonely during this difficult time. The support of our compassionate and experienced attorneys will help you effectively navigate the intricacies of divorce proceedings. Our team is both sympathetic toward your concerns and determined to provide you with the best possible outcome.

Child Custody & Visitation
Numerous factors play into the determination of the best interests of the child regarding child support and custody. Our experienced family law attorneys know how to prove your merit in each of these factors. Being one of the most sensitive issues within the field of family law, we handle child custody and visitation rights with the utmost diligence. Our attorneys will apply their extensive knowledge and experience to make sure you’re in the most favorable position to fight for your rights. We’ll evaluate your specific situation, determine the potential for sole or joint custody, and get all the paperwork in order.

Asset & Property Division
Under California law, there is a distinction between community and separate property. The assets acquired during marriage are considered community property and the court aims to divide them equally between the spouses. On the other hand, separate property is not divided in a divorce but confirmed to the owner as their separate property.
To ensure a fair and proper distribution, it is essential that every asset be properly identified as community property or separate property and accurately valued. The team at JWB Family Law can help by making sure every asset is disclosed by your spouse and properly appraised. Our experienced family law attorneys can also ensure you effectively assert your separate property claims.

Child & Spousal Support
Divorce often creates challenging financial circumstances. Whether seeking or challenging child and spousal support requests, you’ll need an experienced divorce lawyer to persuasively argue the facts and law that support your position. The higher-earning party requires legal guidance to establish the amount of child support they could be required to pay. The lower-earning party needs effective legal counsel to claim child support.
We’ll evaluate your situation and devise the most appropriate strategy to argue in your favor whether you are the requesting or defending party. We help clients reach a spousal support agreement that both parties benefit from and a child support agreement that is in the best interest of the child.

The matter of paternity can be a crucial part of reaching a child support agreement and establishing child custody and visitation rights. Children whose parentage is legally established are legally entitled to multiple privileges, such as financial support, inheritance, health history, and insurance coverage from both of their parents.
We will assist you in establishing parentage while adhering to the complex legislation governing this area of family law. Because it is such a delicate topic, the experienced and empathetic attorneys at JWB Family Law will act confidentially and respectfully when working with you on issues related to determining paternity.

Domestic Violence
You need effective and immediate legal counsel to successfully file or defend against a domestic violence restraining order. If you’re a parent facing a Domestic Violence charge, you are at risk of losing your custody and visitation rights with a Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Order (DVTRO). JWB Family Law can provide you with effective, timely, and meticulous representation. We manage witnesses and assemble legal and medical paperwork to make a strong case on your behalf.
Our attorneys are skilled at handling domestic violence cases and supporting clients through this difficult time. We apply our extensive knowledge of family law to protect your rights and minimize your uncertainty and anxiety.

During a family law mediation, parties aim to resolve their dispute by working together. An experienced family law mediator oversees the process. The mediator tries to find a common ground and create a solution wherein both parties can benefit.
If you pursue mediation with our guidance, you can save time, money, and emotional energy. We’ll provide effective counsel, ensuring you have more control over the outcome and get a carefully crafted solution that fits both parties.

Military Divorce
If you or your spouse is a member of the military, your divorce needs to be handled differently than a civilian divorce. It requires in-depth legal knowledge of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, the Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection Act, military deployment, retirement, benefits, and more.
The experienced attorneys at JWB Family Law offer effective legal representation to help you understand and protect your rights and responsibilities. We also provide service members and their spouses with a 15% discount.