Genetic testing is a scientific method used to determine the identity of an individual. Genetic testing can sometimes help determine the legal parent of a child. However, genetic testing is not always a conclusive way to determine who the legal parents of a child are. Especially in cases involving adoption, same-sex couples, invitro fertilization, and more than two parents, genetic testing is merely a factor in a parentage analysis.
Genetic tests can be ordered by the court and performed by court-appointed experts. Genetic testing done outside of the court order does not have any legal significance. In some cases, genetic test evidence may be used to overcome what is called a “presumption of parentage.” However, genetic test evidence may only be used to overcome a paternity presumption if the action is filed and served within two years of the child’s birth.
Our dedicated paternity lawyers understand the intricacies and importance of parentage and are here to help you skillfully navigate this sensitive issue.