At JWB Family Law, our experienced lawyers handle the manifold aspects of individual cases regarding family law in Temecula and the area. Our committed legal support gives you peace of mind by taking care of your matters in the most effective way. We’ll argue your case by taking a committed and caring approach. We understand that the realm of family issues can be sensitive and we focus our efforts on carrying out the process with the minimum amount of distress.

Lean on our devoted family lawyers

When you need assistance within the field of family law, our reliable and qualified attorneys can deliver the expertise and support you need. Be it a straightforward issue or a complicated case in Temecula, our team has the knowledge necessary to guide and help you through the entire legal process. Expect experience-based counsel and protection of your legal rights.

Our reputable office is led by Jane Wesely Brooks, who is a Certified Family Law Specialist. This illustrates that she’s demonstrated excellent legal competence and is proficient in California’s standards of family law. When you reach out to us, you can rest easy knowing that your matter is in the hands of leading legal professionals.

Choose Temecula’s leading family attorneys

We understand the realm of family law is a highly-sensitive one, and our attorneys approach every single case with utmost care and dedication. We’re confident in our ability to provide comprehensive legal support to families and couples as they’re dealing with difficulties during an extremely challenging period of their life.

We’re committed to settling cases regarding family law out of court whenever possible, and we always focus our efforts on applying methods that allow us to resolve matters effectively yet quickly. We’ll work tirelessly to meet your expectations, needs, and rights, and give you peace of mind during a delicate time.

Schedule a free initial appointment with our experienced family law attorneys

Frequently Asked Questions

Family lawyers in Temecula, CA handle legal matters pertaining to families. These matters include child custody, child support, adoption, domestic violence, and divorce. Typical tasks that follow these proceedings include drafting prenuptial agreements, wills, custody agreements, and more.

Family lawyers in Temecula, CA handle legal matters pertaining to families. These matters include child custody, child support, adoption, domestic violence, and divorce. Typical tasks that follow these proceedings include drafting prenuptial agreements, wills, custody agreements, and more.

The time it takes to finalize a filing to a family court depends on the circumstance of an individual case and whether there exist any concerns about safeguarding. Typically, it takes between 6 and 8 weeks from the filing date, but your family lawyer in Temecula will be able to provide you with a more precise estimate.

If your case goes to trial, the first step of the process is a short meeting where the Judge decides how to organize the case. This meeting is known as Calendar Call, and the Judge typically asks all the attorneys to prepare information for the following hearing, which is usually scheduled for a couple of weeks later.

Your family attorney will keep you informed about every step of the process and help you prepare in the most effective way.

JWB Family Law offers our reliable services across the region, so feel free to reach out for our assistance whether you need family law counsel in El Centro, Temecula, or another nearby area. Take a relaxing walk to clear your mind in Ronald Reagan Sports Park or Meadows Park, then visit us for a free consultation.

Among the variety of services we offer, you can come to us for: