Establishing a Good Parenting Plan

When you are in a proceeding to decide how to share the custody and visitation of your children, many decisions must be made by you and the other parent on how you will co-parent your minor children. One of the best ways to ensure co-parenting is beneficial for everyone is by establishing a cohesive [...]

fotex2023-12-08T22:32:51-08:00December 22nd, 2015|Divorce, Divorce settlement, Legal Separation|

Co-Parenting During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is all about coming together as a family. This is supposed to be the happiest, most stress-free time of the year, right? This is quite the opposite for divorced or separated families. Divorced or separated parents must deal with the stressor, every year, of “who gets the children for the holidays?” [...]

fotex2023-12-08T22:01:24-08:00November 25th, 2015|Child custody and visitation, Co-parenting divorce, Divorce, Legal Separation|
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