Avoiding Financial Pitfalls During a Divorce Around The Holidays
The holiday season can be a great time to share with, appreciate, and spend time with your loved ones. It can also be a great time of[...]
Can You Record Your Spouse to Show Harassment?
There are many reasons for spouses to make the difficult choice to get divorced. Some of these may involve very stressful experiences, and those experiences can lead[...]
Third Party Visitation Rights in California
Divorce is often a complex and stressful process. The process can be even more difficult when children are involved, and in such cases may bring even more[...]
California Grounds for Divorce and Residency Requirements
Divorce is a legal process that has been left up to each individual state to determine. There are different requirements put in place for people to[...]
What Is the Difference Between Temporary and Permanent Spousal Support?
Spousal support, sometimes referred to as spousal maintenance or by the traditional term alimony, comes in two different forms in California. Spousal support can either be temporary[...]
When Do You Need a Prenuptial Agreement?
A prenuptial agreement, known as a premarital agreement in California, is an agreement between two people intending to marry that helps govern the terms of the marriage[...]
Deciding Where to Send Your Child for School or Church as Joint Custody Parents
A vital process of joint legal custody is deciding where to send your child for school or church as joint custody parents. If you and your ex-spouse[...]
Custody of Your Child When One Party Moves Away
Usually, a custodial parent is not allowed to move the children out of state without the approval of the noncustodial parent. When a custodial parent moves the[...]
What to Do If Child Protective Services Is Called
No parent wants to find that the person knocking on their door is an investigator from California’s Child Protective Services. Child Protective Services (“CPS”) is a department[...]
Change in Income Could Mean Modification of Support
California allows courts to issue orders for child and spousal support in appropriate situations. Child support orders are issued to one or both parents to pay a[...]
Back to the Basics: Child Custody Modification
Are you a divorced parent wanting to modify your child custody or visitation order? Did a family law judge previously make such order? As it turns out,[...]
What to Do Before You File for Divorce
Coming to terms that you want to divorce your spouse can be a very hard and agonizing decision. Divorce is a serious matter that requires a lot[...]