
When it comes to sensitive matters like confirming or contesting parentage, JWB Family Law can help you resolve any issues with utmost confidentiality and professionalism. Our paternity lawyers in Temecula will handle your case whether you need help with custody, child support, or visitation rights. This legal area can often be complicated and involve several competing claims. Establishing paternity is certainly one of the most significant legal matters a person can face, and our team will fight for your rights relentlessly.

Our skilled paternity lawyers can assist you through any process

Our team will always do their best to minimize the stress for all involved parties in any legal case. Even more so when there are children involved. We’ll make sure to approach your case with compassion and efficiency to avoid unnecessary complications or prolonged custody battles. Our Temecula paternity case lawyer team will ensure the best possible outcome if you’re trying to prove or challenge parentage.

The California Family Code guarantees parental rights and obligations regardless of marital status. Both parents are responsible for child support and have custody rights. Paternity cases can include more than one parent, biological and adopted children, as well as complex issues like in vitro fertilization, unborn children, or children born by surrogate mothers.

Expert paternity lawyers in Temecula can help you establish your parentage

Feel free to reach out to our dedicated team and rely on our experience and knowledge whether you’re considering contesting or establishing parentage, filing a petition for full custody, or setting a shared custody plan. Our competent paternity lawyers can also help you receive child support or handle visitation rights and provide support and compassion during this challenging time. Whatever your case entails, our paternity case attorneys will keep you well-informed during each phase of the process. However you choose to handle the matters, we’ll make sure to lead you to the best possible outcome in the least distressing way for all parties.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a father have to establish paternity in California?

There’s no statute of limitations on establishing paternity in California law, but the court can order a paternity test up to two years after the child’s birth. Paternity can also be established without a court order if parents file a declaration of parentage form. However, a legal adjudication is important. If the paternity is being disputed by the mother or other caregiver, fathers have the right to petition for paternity up to three years after the child turns 18. You can also make this process easier on you and your family by hiring reputable paternity case attorneys in Temecula.

Does signing a birth certificate establish paternity?

No, having a person’s name on a birth certificate does not conclusively prove paternity. Mothers have the right to list anyone who they believe is the father on the birth certificate, but that information can be disputed by a father who resists parentage or by another person who wants to prove that he is the biological father of the child. DNA testing is now the most common and reliable way of determining positive identification of paternity.

Can a mother refuse a paternity test?

Neither parent has the right to refuse a court-ordered paternity test. The mother is obligated to supply a sample of the child’s DNA, and the father his own. Refusing to do so is illegal and punishable by fines or even imprisonment. Contact paternity case attorneys in Temecula for professional advice if you’re uncertain about your rights and obligations.

Do unmarried fathers have parental rights in California?

Unmarried fathers have the same rights as married ones as long as their legal paternity has been confirmed. If they’re the parent the child lives with more than 50% of the time, they also might be entitled to child support. It’s recommended to obtain accurate advice on these matters from experienced paternity lawyers since circumstances differ and child support orders are separate from custody or visitation orders.

How to find reliable paternity case lawyers near me in Temecula and the surrounding area?

We at JWB Family Law understand the delicate nature of paternity issues. Our experienced and highly knowledgeable team is at your disposal for legal cases requiring establishing parentage. You can count on us whether you need trustworthy paternity lawyers in El Centro or anywhere across the San Diego area.

Aside from these services, we can also assist with asset and property division cases or help with handling child and spousal support in Temecula. Let us take care of all the complex details while you enjoy a peaceful day at Rose Haven Heritage Garden or Temecula History Museum.

The most efficient team of paternity case lawyers is at your disposal.

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