How does JWB Family Law approach child custody and support in police officer divorce cases?

We understand that the demanding schedules and unique job requirements of police officers can impact child custody arrangements. Our attorneys work to create custody plans that are in the best interests of your children while accommodating your work commitments. We also advocate for appropriate child support arrangements that reflect your financial contributions and the needs [...]

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What should I expect during the initial consultation with JWB Family Law?

During your initial consultation, our attorneys will listen to your concerns, gather information about your situation, and explain the legal process involved in a police officer divorce. We will discuss your goals and provide an overview of how we can help you achieve a fair outcome. This consultation is confidential and designed to provide you [...]

fotex2024-07-17T10:36:34-07:00July 17th, 2024||

How does JWB Family Law handle the division of police officer pensions during a divorce?

Police officer pensions are a significant asset and require careful consideration during divorce proceedings. Our team is skilled in pension valuation and division, ensuring that the pension is accurately assessed and divided in accordance with California law. We work to protect your financial future and ensure you receive your fair share of retirement benefits.

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What makes police officer divorce cases different from regular divorce cases?

Police officer divorce cases often involve unique factors such as complex pension plans, irregular work schedules, and the high-stress nature of the job. These elements can impact asset division, spousal support, and child custody arrangements. At JWB Family Law, we have the expertise to navigate these complexities and ensure fair and equitable solutions tailored to [...]

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