Is It Legal to Record Your Spouse?

Is it legal to record your spouse? The simple answer is no, it is not legal to record your spouse unless that person consents to being[...]

  • Is There Such a Thing as a “Low-Cost Divorce?”

Is There Such a Thing as a “Low-Cost Divorce?”

Maybe you’ve seen the ads online for a low-cost divorce. But in the end, is there such a thing as a "low-cost divorce?" You know the[...]

  • Determining Child Custody and Visitation: How to Show the Kids Belong With You

Determining Child Custody and Visitation

You know the kids belong with you, but how can you show the judge that? This blog will talk through what to do (and what not[...]

JWB Family Law Featured in the Journal for SDCBA

JWB Family Law was honored to be featured in the May/June 2019 issue of the Journal for the San Diego County Bar Association’s (SDCBA). In her[...]

  • Making Sense of Divorce Paperwork: What Documents are Needed?

Making Sense of Divorce Paperwork

You’re filing for divorce, or you’ve been filed on. It’s all so confusing! First things first is making sense of divorce paperwork and the documents you[...]

  • Restraining Orders and What You Need to Know

Restraining Orders and What You Need to Know

A Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Order (DVTRO) is issued by the court to help protect individuals from threats of abuse or actual abuse from someone with[...]