What to Do If Child Protective Services Is Called

No parent wants to find that the person knocking on their door is an investigator from California’s Child Protective Services. Child Protective Services (“CPS”) is a department within the California Department of Social Services that is charged with preventing and addressing child abuse and neglect throughout California. The role of the department is to investigate [...]

Back to the Basics: Child Custody Modification

Are you a divorced parent wanting to modify your child custody or visitation order?  Did a family law judge previously make such order? As it turns out, there are countless reasons why parents may wish to modify an existing custody order.  For instance, as children grow older, their needs and interests drastically change.  Additionally, as [...]

fotex2023-12-08T23:35:28-08:00March 16th, 2016|Child custody and visitation, Co-parenting divorce|

What to Do Before You File for Divorce

Coming to terms that you want to divorce your spouse can be a very hard and agonizing decision. Divorce is a serious matter that requires a lot of thought and planning up front in order for you to fully understand and consider all of the consequences that come from a divorce. Because California is a [...]

Safety First: The Impact of DUI on Divorce

This is the season for more drunk drivers on the road. Studies have shown two to three more people die in alcohol-related crashes during the holiday season than any other time of the year; and 40 percent of these fatalities involve a driver impaired by alcohol. Those who are going through a divorce or [...]

fotex2023-12-08T23:00:07-08:00December 30th, 2015|Child custody and visitation, Co-parenting divorce, Divorce, Legal Separation|

Co-Parenting During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is all about coming together as a family. This is supposed to be the happiest, most stress-free time of the year, right? This is quite the opposite for divorced or separated families. Divorced or separated parents must deal with the stressor, every year, of “who gets the children for the holidays?” [...]

fotex2023-12-08T22:01:24-08:00November 25th, 2015|Child custody and visitation, Co-parenting divorce, Divorce, Legal Separation|
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