How Remarriage Can Affect Child Support
How Remarriage Can Affect Child Support Remarrying after a divorce comes with many changes—new relationships, blended families, and often, questions about how child support may be[...]
Getting Divorced Without Having to Go to Court
Getting Divorced Without Having to Go to Court One of the most common concerns people have when considering divorce is whether they can avoid going to[...]
Community Property vs. Separate Property
Community Property vs. Separate Property In California, property division during a divorce can be one of the most contentious aspects of the process. As a community[...]
Engaged on Valentine’s Day? Why You Should Consider a Prenup
Engaged on Valentine's Day? Why You Should Consider a Prenup Valentine's Day is one of the year's most romantic days, making it the perfect time to[...]
Contemplating Divorce Around Valentine’s Day
Contemplating Divorce Around Valentine’s Day Valentine's Day is a time when love is celebrated, but for some, it can bring up feelings of uncertainty, especially if[...]
Understanding Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs)
Understanding Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs) Dividing assets during a divorce can be complicated, especially regarding retirement accounts. If you or your spouse have a 401(k),[...]
Move Away Cases with Child Custody Investigation
Move Away Cases with Child Custody Investigation Relocating with a minor child can be a complex and emotionally charged issue, especially when co-parenting is involved. Whether[...]
What Is a Status Conference?
What Is a Status Conference? A status conference, sometimes referred to as a family resolution conference or case management conference in different counties, is a court-ordered[...]
Understanding Postnuptial Agreements
Understanding Postnuptial Agreements When planning for the future, agreements between spouses often come into play. While many are familiar with prenuptial agreements, postnuptial agreements are less[...]
Can You Date While Your Divorce is Pending?
Can You Date While Your Divorce is Pending? Divorce is an emotional and challenging process, and many people going through it wonder whether they can move[...]
Can You Change Your Child Support Orders After Judgment?
Can You Change Your Child Support Orders After Judgment? When a judgment for child support has been entered—whether following a paternity case or a dissolution of[...]
When Can You Get Emergency Child Custody Orders?
When Can You Get Emergency Child Custody Orders? Child custody matters are often emotionally charged, and many parents may wonder if their situation qualifies as an[...]