The cat ears graph and divorce are closely related and, unfortunately, have nothing to do with how you feel about felines. A study from researchers at the University of Washington shows divorce filings peak at two distinct times of the year – March and August. Trace the graph for twelve months and the result looks like cat ears. It’s the sad kitty of domestic life, sometimes known as the Cat of Sadness.

Why does divorce spike in march and August

Why does divorce spike in March and August?

There are logical reasons for divorce rates to rise during these months in particular. March avoids a major holiday season that focuses on family and togetherness. Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus – you do not want to dim the sparkle of future holidays by announcing the end of a marriage, particularly if there are children involved.

By the time March rolls around, the gifts have been exchanged, the vacations have been enjoyed and schedules have returned to normal. With any luck, you may have even paid off holiday purchases.

As for August, it’s safely nestled between school years. Most summer vacations are over. There is time for children to begin adjusting to the change in their home life, hopefully avoiding the worst effects such a family disruption can have on academic performance. 

Why do more people file for divorce after the holidays?

There are also the effects the holidays themselves can have on relationships. We tend to hope that the general feeling of goodwill and optimism around winter and summer festivities can smooth over differences, heal hurts, and repair broken hearts. We have lofty expectations. 

Unfortunately, the stress of holiday togetherness can magnify tension and discontent, leading to even greater disappointment when the celebrations are over. Spring can bring a surge of energy, a sense of renewal and new beginnings. The end of summer can be a reminder of time passing, bringing an increased desire for completion. Either of these can provide the last push needed to begin to make major changes.

Where can I find reliable family law attorneys in San Diego?

No matter what time of year it is, or how civil the end of the relationship, divorce is not easy. There are many details to consider, and it can get complicated. If there is disagreement between the parties, you need to know your legal options. 

The experienced San Diego divorce attorneys at JWB Family Law can explain the steps, help you decide what approach to take and guide you through the entire process. JWB Family Law is a firm that exclusively practices family law, ensuring each attorney is prepared to handle all family law matters. If you or someone you know is ready to file for a divorce, contact us at (619) 234-6123 to set up a consultation with one of our family law specialists.

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