For more than 40 years, Jane Wesley Brooks has teamed up with others in the San Diego community to participate in the Christmas Street Stockings Event, which distributes stockings to the homeless.

The event truly makes an impact, providing the homeless with items that are both useful and helpful, including clothing such as hats and socks, hygiene products, first-aid kits, and books and magazines. Once the stockings are put together, they are distributed to those in need on Christmas Eve.

This past week, Jane was interviewed by 10News (KGTV) about the event. But KGTV had a little surprise.

Rather than simply chatting about the Christmas Street Stockings Event, KGTV honored Jane with the LEADership San Diego award, recognizing her for a long-time commitment to giving back to the San Diego community.

Take a peek at the clip:

If you’d like to donate to or volunteer with the Christmas Street Stockings Event, call (619) 234-6123.

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