Is Sole Legal Custody Right in Your Divorce?

It is never an easy decision to pursue divorce, and the process can often be complex and confusing especially when children are involved in the divorce process. Custody of children can be a cloudy issue parents will have to navigate. But is sole legal custody right in your divorce? Generally, California courts prefer that [...]

fotex2023-12-11T19:05:58-08:00April 25th, 2017|Divorce|

How to Change Spousal Support in a San Diego Divorce

Spousal support, also known as Alimony, can be a difficult issue during a divorce. In California, there are two main types of spousal support: temporary and permanent. Temporary spousal support, sometimes called pendente lite support, is a type of spousal support awarded while divorce proceedings are pending before a final judgment is entered. Permanent spousal support [...]

fotex2023-12-11T18:56:56-08:00April 12th, 2017|Divorce|

How Can a Family Law Attorney in San Diego Help Me Keep My Home?

There are many challenging questions that arise during a California divorce. One of the most common questions people have is about division of property, and "how can a family law attorney in San Diego help me keep my home?" Sometimes spouses both want out of the house, possibly because they cannot afford to maintain it [...]

fotex2023-12-11T18:54:04-08:00March 15th, 2017|Asset and property division, Divorce, Divorce settlement|

Dividing a Business During Divorce in San Diego County

Dividing assets as part of a divorce can affect the divorcing couple in many ways, especially if the asset is a business that forms a large part of the couple’s income. Both spouses may want to keep the business, but not necessarily continue co-owning it with each other.  This article will guide you through dividing [...]

fotex2023-12-11T18:48:09-08:00March 2nd, 2017|Divorce|

New Year’s Resolutions for Separating Spouses

Sometimes couples who are planning on separating or divorcing prefer to wait out the holiday season and file for separation and divorce in the New Year.  This can be because of financial reasons, or because they do not want to tell their children or other family members that the marriage is about to end. There [...]

fotex2023-12-11T18:42:36-08:00January 5th, 2017|Child custody and visitation, Co-parenting divorce, Divorce|

Avoiding Financial Pitfalls During a Divorce Around The Holidays

The holiday season can be a great time to share with, appreciate, and spend time with your loved ones.  It can also be a great time of stress for some when they consider how much they have to spend, either on travel, gifts, and other holiday related expenses. Combine that stress with going through a [...]

fotex2023-12-11T18:38:48-08:00December 20th, 2016|Child custody and visitation, Co-parenting divorce, Divorce|

Can You Record Your Spouse to Show Harassment?

There are many reasons for spouses to make the difficult choice to get divorced. Some of these may involve very stressful experiences, and those experiences can lead to emotional reactions that are difficult to work through. Other times, there may be some very valid reasons for pursuing divorce and the divorce process can lead to [...]

fotex2023-12-11T18:29:20-08:00December 1st, 2016|Child custody and visitation, Co-parenting divorce, Divorce, Domestic Violence|

Third Party Visitation Rights in California

Divorce is often a complex and stressful process. The process can be even more difficult when children are involved, and in such cases may bring even more family members into the process itself. For especially close families, family members may be concerned about how a divorce will impact their ability to spend time with a [...]

fotex2023-12-11T18:22:28-08:00September 12th, 2016|Child custody and visitation, Co-parenting divorce, Divorce|

California Grounds for Divorce and Residency Requirements

Divorce is a legal process that has been left up to each individual state to determine. There are different requirements put in place for people to get divorced within a particular state. If you have made the difficult decision to get divorced in California, you must first meet certain residency requirements. California grounds for [...]

What Is the Difference Between Temporary and Permanent Spousal Support?

Spousal support, sometimes referred to as spousal maintenance or by the traditional term alimony, comes in two different forms in California. Spousal support can either be temporary or it can be permanent. In this article we'll answer the question, "What is the difference between temporary and permanent spousal support?" so you will know how to [...]

fotex2023-12-11T17:45:39-08:00August 11th, 2016|Child and spousal support, Divorce, Divorce settlement, Legal Separation|
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