Can I Get Child Support for an Adult Child with Disabilities?

Child support is a critical resource for parents caring for a child, but what happens when that child becomes an adult? In California, child support obligations typically end when a child reaches 18 or graduates from high school. However, for parents of a child with disabilities, this isn’t always the case. In a recent Tuesday Tips video titled Can I Get Child Support for an Adult Child with Disabilities?, we addressed this topic in detail. Here’s a summary of the key points covered in the video, along with important insights for families navigating this complex issue.

Understanding California Family Code Section 3910

Under California law, specifically Family Code Section 3910, parents may be obligated to provide support for an adult child with disabilities. However, the requirements for receiving support in these cases are stringent. In the video, we emphasize that this legal provision applies only in specific circumstances. According to Family Code Section 3910, a parent is required to support an adult child who is “incapable of self-support due to a disability.”

What Qualifies as a Disability?

To secure child support for an adult child with disabilities, you need to prove that your child’s condition meets strict legal standards. It’s not enough for your child to have a disability—the disability must be so severe that it prevents them from ever being able to work or live independently. This level of incapacity must be supported by strong evidence.

The Importance of Proper Documentation

Proving eligibility for child support requires extensive documentation. You’ll need thorough diagnostic reports and evaluations from an accredited facility. These documents should clearly establish that your child’s disabilities are profound enough to make them incapable of self-support. This evidence is critical in demonstrating that your child’s condition meets the legal standard outlined in Family Code Section 3910.

Why Pursue Child Support for an Adult Child with Disabilities?

If your child has a profound disability that requires lifelong care, the financial burden can be overwhelming. Securing child support can provide much-needed assistance, allowing you to continue caring for your child as long as necessary. We strongly encourage parents in this situation to seek the child support they’re entitled to. While the process can be complex and requires robust documentation, the outcome can offer significant relief for families struggling to meet the long-term needs of a disabled adult child.

How We Can Help

Navigating child support for an adult child with disabilities can be legally and emotionally challenging. If you’re unsure whether your child qualifies for ongoing support, we’re here to help. Our experienced team understands the complexities of Family Code Section 3910 and can guide you through the process step-by-step.

Contact Us

If you have questions about obtaining child support for an adult child with disabilities, we offer free consultations. Our team is ready to assist you in securing the financial support your family needs. Call us at (619) 234-6123 or visit our website to learn more.

For more insights on this topic, you can also watch our informative video here:

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