Frequently Asked Questions
In California, the court only considers the parents’ income to calculate child support, be it in El Centro or any other location. In some cases, the judge may inquire about your new spouse’s income to determine the effect on your after-tax income or for other reasons. A party should be prepared to disclose how much his or her new spouse earns.
If the marriage lasted 10 years or less, spousal support is generally ordered for no more than half the length of the marriage. If it lasted longer than 10 years, the court will determine the duration of spousal support, which may be as long as the spouse needs it or even long-term or permanent support. You can consult a knowledgeable spousal support lawyer, such as our team at JWB Family Law in El Centro, and learn more about it.
The court will calculate child support based on specific state guidelines. In California, more specifically in El Centro, the amount of child support is determined based on a number of factors, including the incomes of both parents.
At JWB Family Law, our team helps clients handle various family matters. Whether you’re trying to get child or spousal support in Temecula or need our experts’ help with this across San Diego, you can rely on us. We’re also well-versed in getting fair child custody and visitation and helping clients through military divorces.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today whether you live near the Imperial Valley Mall, elsewhere in El Centro, or beyond. Book your free initial consultation and let us help you!