How is a business divided in a divorce?

During a dissolution, a business will be characterized as a community property business or separate property business. If the business was founded before the marriage or inherited by one spouse, then the business may be considered separate property. On the other hand, if the business was founded or acquired during the marriage, it will likely [...]

fotex2023-10-25T22:00:08-07:00October 25th, 2023||

How is a house divided in a divorce?

The family residence is often an asset that both spouses would like to be awarded. A court order for sale and division of proceeds is often the most practical and least expensive way of effecting an equal division of difficult-to-value assets or property which each spouse wants awarded to them.  A house may be characterized [...]

fotex2023-10-25T21:59:14-07:00October 25th, 2023||

Who are the finest family property division attorneys in San Diego and the area?

JWB Family Law has a long history of helping families through the property division process. Our knowledgeable and experienced attorneys are here to help you through the proceedings of child custody and visitation, the process of divorce involving military personnel and their spouses, and all matters concerning divorce in San Diego and the nearby areas. What’s more, we’ll be here to help [...]

fotex2023-10-25T21:57:13-07:00October 25th, 2023||

What income is considered in child support?

In California, both parents are legally obligated and mutually responsible for the financial support of their minor children. A parent’s first and principal obligation is to support their minor children according to the parent’s circumstances in life. Support payments include providing for the child’s basic needs, such as food, clothing, shelter, education, healthcare, and other [...]

fotex2023-10-25T21:40:38-07:00October 25th, 2023||

What happens to child support if I remarry?

If you remarry in California, your new spouse’s income is generally prohibited by the California Family Code from being considered in child support calculations. However, if you file a joint tax return with your new spouse, your actual tax liability based on your new combined gross income may impact the support calculations in your case. [...]

fotex2023-10-25T21:39:50-07:00October 25th, 2023||

What is the average child support for a child in California?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as child support payments in San Diego and other regions are determined on a case-by-case basis. What’s more, there are different child support modifications to take into account. However, courts follow statewide uniform guidelines to determine the appropriate child support amount. California law emphasizes that the interests [...]

fotex2023-10-25T21:39:01-07:00October 25th, 2023||

When do child support orders end?

Child support orders typically end when children reach the age of 18. However, the support duty will continue if children who reach 18 are unmarried, full-time high school students, and not self-supporting. In these circumstances, support will continue until the child graduates high school or reaches age 19, whichever occurs first. In addition, the court [...]

fotex2023-10-25T21:38:16-07:00October 25th, 2023||

Which attorneys provide expert legal advice for child support in San Diego & the vicinity?

JWB Family Law specializes in helping clients with a variety of legal matters, including child support. Depending on the circumstances, we determine how much support you are entitled to receive or, in the alternative, determine the amount to pay child support. Our experienced child support attorney is here to ensure your former spouse continues paying child support, as well [...]

fotex2023-10-25T21:36:58-07:00October 25th, 2023||

How do you file for military divorce?

One spouse must reside in California to file for divorce. A judgment of marriage dissolution can only be entered if one spouse has been a resident of California for six months and a resident of the county where the proceeding is filed for three months immediately preceding the filing of the petition. Actual physical delivery [...]

fotex2023-10-25T21:16:01-07:00October 25th, 2023||

How long does the military divorce process take?

As with any divorce, the length of time it takes to complete the military divorce process varies depending on the circumstances of your case. The process can be lengthy and complex. If the military service member is currently assigned to a permanent duty station outside the United States or is serving in a remote area [...]

fotex2023-10-25T21:14:57-07:00October 25th, 2023||
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